Mark and Roberta Buchanan were presented the SFN “Friend of Nature” conservation award at the SFN annual banquet on April 1st. Together, their efforts to protect the woodlands, wetlands and meadows of their 99 acre farm are being recognized now with the honour of this award. In addition to protecting these habitats, we celebrate their conservation and restoration efforts including a Tallgrass Prairie; Wetland construction; Tree planting (which connects 2 blocks of woodland); and Invasive species control. All of this illustrates their dedication to protecting the natural environment of the landscape they call home.

Roberta received the Lambton Wildlife “Meritorious Service” Award in 2022 for her 30 years of dedication in assisting LWI with fundraising efforts and holding the position as the “Mandaumin Woods Manager” since 2013. Mandaumin Woods is owned by LWI. Roberta, being an education professional, is always sharing and teaching people about nature, including everything from mosses to warblers. But their passion for nature is expressed in their daily practices of; walking the trails on the farm; birding and chasing rare birds; love of camping; and watching sunsets and sunrises together. They are a driving force for protecting nature and express that through their efforts as a team as Roberta points out a special spring wildflower, a flock of snow buntings or a giant swallowtail so Mark can capture it with his amazing photography skills.

Congratulations Mark and Roberta on a well-deserved “Friend of Nature” award.