While we have been social distancing, Nature has been spring back to life. During these uncertain times there is one thing that is steadfast Nature. We can take this down time to tend to its needs may it be pruning, weeding or removing invasive species from our own yard.

The certainty of nature promises a hope of renewal that we can use to help us through these times. One of our members Darrell was able to get a burn permit to burn his two acre prairie field while keeping in accordance to the self distancing laws. Please share with us photos, stories or adventures you are having in your own yards. Let us bring hope and comfort to one another through the love of nature.

Take care and keep safe and have a Happy Easter

I was able to burn my prairie
My temporarily unemployed and socially distancing son came home to assist. His mother came out to help and to make certain that everyone stayed at least two garden rake lengths apart.
It was a magnificent day and the result was the best burn in the 16 years that I have had the two acre prairie.