Sydenham River Nature Reserve


The Sydenham River Nature Reserve was founded in 2016 through fundraising by numerous groups and private donors including Ontario Nature, Sydenham Field Naturalists, and Lambton Wildlife.

Ongoing stewardship for this property is provided by a group with members from both SFN and Lambton Wildlife.

This property is located at 2740 Buttonwood Dr in Glencoe. The reserve is accessible to the public with a parking area from the north side of the river.


Check out some of our blog posts related to the Sydenham River Nature Reserve:


Stewardship Visit to SRNR

Stewardship Visit to SRNR

I've been lucky enough to join on with the stewardship team for the Sydenham River Nature Reserve.  On Sunday morning our group went out on one of our 3 annual visits (spring, summer, fall) and here is a quick blog post to give folks a feel for what this sort of work...

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