Your Sydenham Field Naturalists board of directors is announcing the suspension of all SFN outdoor and indoor activities until further notice due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the first time in club history that the banquet has been postponed. The health and safety of our members is our first priority. Both the provincial and federal governments have asked for people to stay home and practice social distancing and have asked most businesses to close during these difficult times. We all must due our part to stop the coronavirus.

Your Board of Directors are still communicating amongst themselves through email and texting. We look forward to celebrating nature with you after the crisis is over. The directors are conversing (via email) about having a fall banquet and possibly holding the Native Plant Sale as an online event so you can still plant pollinator, songbird and butterfly gardens this spring. Nature still needs our help. We will still be presenting a new program lineup for the September 2020 to Summer 2021 season. The Board will also provide information and communication through the website and Facebook. Photos and tips on nature-relevant topics such as how to support nature at home, in your own backyard will be coming soon.

Meanwhile, get out and enjoy nature locally. Tree swallows, song sparrows and golden-crowned kinglets returned to the Wallaceburg area today (from my observations) and robins and blackbirds have been back for weeks now and are in big numbers. Chorus frogs are singing and soon flowers and leaves will be returning.

I love to embrace the rebirth of spring, my favourite time of year.

Best Regards

Take care, be safe

Larry Cornelis
