With the Sydenham Field Naturalists plant sale coming up next weekend, I thought it would be a good time to announce that I’m honoured to be the current (2022-24) President of this wonderful organization.

Last fall, I got a call from the nomination committee asking if I would be interested in the role and quickly accepted. The opportunity to learn from Larry Cornelis and the other SFN board members in such a capacity is not one you turn down lightly.

For those who don’t know Larry, he’s an award-winning naturalist, board member and past President of SFN and Lambton Wildlife; an extremely engaging and passionate public speaker, and one of the most-knowledgeable advocates for nature in our entire region.

Attending Larry’s talk on native plants at the Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority’s Greening Your Grounds event a few years ago, inspired me to start ReLeaf Chatham-Kent in the first place. I’m extremely excited to be working so closely with him and the rest of SFN to advocate for nature in Chatham-Kent.

If you’re not already a member, I hope you’ll consider joining. SFN has been around for almost 40 years as one of the most well respected groups working to preserve and enhance natural habitats in our area. I’ve met some of the most knowledgeable and dedicated people I know in the last couple years working with this group, and I hope to see you soon at a future SFN or ReLeaf event!

May be an image of 2 people and nature