It is that time of year again when we are all looking for that perfect, new and exciting native plant to put in our gardens. As native plants become more popular, large corporations are setting up sections in their garden centres. In many case it is a form of greenwashing and a marketing ploy.
According to our Native plant experts their labels are very misleading and not all their species are native to Ontario or for our specific area.
Many of these growers, suppliers and companies are evasive in answering questions pertaining to the plants and seeds provenance as well as the traveling distance to the location. Well intentioned buyers have found out the hard way when they ended up purchasing cultivators instead.
Labels matter so remember to ask questions.
To create a positive impact on the environment and our native biodiversity buy from your local native nurseries and support local non profit native plant sales. (SFN‘s is coming May 20th.)
For More information check out these articles.