Earth Day and this beautiful weekend, has awakened our native gardening brains and ideas for our yards are budding forth. We would like to remind you of our upcoming Annual Native Plant Sale on May 21st. As our principle fundraiser every year, the proceeds aid in our stewardship activities on several properties including Paw Paw Woods, Peers Wetland, Sycamore Woods, and Sydenham River Nature Reserve.

Every plant purchased at our sale helps restore the native biodiversity within your yard as well as these wonderful properties.

We will be offering pre-orders online for quick and easy pick-up or stop by to browse and buy in person on the big day.

It is our pleasure to have Honeylocust Homestead as the host location for this year’s native plant sale; a farm that lives in harmony with nature. Bring your family and explore the trails of their nature reserve.

Keep an eye on our Facebook page or website for more information.